My Best Dilbert Impersonations


As I discussed in my blog Why You Are Unemployable, your online presence is your resume, it is your brand.  A brand is simply not enough.  It communicates your purported value to the reader but it is all empty calories unless you add some meat!  Sure the blog says something but I could have just plagiarized it all.  This section is a set of briefs that describe how I handed some critical situations in my career.  These are by no means all of the interesting ones, in fact right now I only have two posted, these are just the ones I have gotten to writing down.  I try and add one a month to flesh out the picture of my brand in action, in between my regular posts.  I hope you learn something by reading them.

Oh, if you cannot find them, its because of the style of template I am using…  Hover over the Dilbert link and you will find them.

If they generate questions, please simply post a question and ask, I always respond!

Thanks for checking out all my hard work.  Writing is only gratifying if someone reads it…


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